Braised Boneless Duck Feet

We’re lucky enough to have nearby an Asian store that carries duck feet that someone has already done the work of boning out. So no work, no worries – just pop these in your face and enjoy!
Based loosely on a recipe by Miss Chinese Food, though hers are bone-in feet, and she uses the full contingent of spices (where I cheat and use Five-Spice Powder).

I’m using about a pound and a half of boneless duck feet. Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add three good sized slices of fresh ginger. When at a full boil, add the duck feet:

Return to a full boil, stirring occasionally. Drain, discarding ginger slices.
Meanwhile, medium-to-fine chop three cloves garlic, approx. three tablespoons fresh ginger, and the white (and very pale) parts of a bunch of scallions. Also have ready a teaspoon or so chili flakes.

Heat approx 2 tablespoons oil (I use avocado oil) in a large pot. When hot, add the chopped ingredients and chili flakes and stir for around thirty seconds. Then add about a teaspoon of Five-Spice Powder and stir an additional thirty seconds. Add the blanched-and-drained duck feet. Stir. Add approx two tablespoons soy sauce, two tablespoons oyster sauce, two teaspoons sesame oil, stir.

Add a tablespoon of rice wine and about a cup of water. Return to a boil, stir, cover and reduce heat to low. Check from time to time and add more water if it looks dry. After about a half hour, remove lid and increase heat to medium to reduce until thickened. I like Sriracha with mine, so add that to taste – depends on how spicy you want it, and it adds a bit of sweetness as well.
Serve garnished with copious chopped scallion (the top parts).