My Cranberry Sauce

…is an actual sauce.
Ingredients (feel free to adjust or sub out to taste):
Grated zest and juice of three oranges
1 t grated fresh ginger
2 lbs fresh cranberries
1 can (12 oz) ginger ale (NOT diet)
1 t salt
1 pkg (12 oz) frozen raspberries
½ c maple syrup (NOT imitation)
¼ t fresh ground black pepper
1 t vanilla extract
1 c Beaujolais Nouveau
1 small fresh bay leaf
2 T light brown sugar
Combine all ingredients in large nonreactive saucepan. Simmer until reduced by half.

Remove bay leaf. Pass through food mill (fine disk)…

…then, for smoother sauce, through fine sieve.

Discard the goop (seeds & stuff).

Serve warm (reheats well, and freezes well).