The Wuhan Bug & The Great Reset

There are many who are confused about the events – nationally and internationally – of the past three years. They’re not confusing at all, really.
In 2012, six Chinese miners fell ill to a mysterious respiratory illness. Three died. They had been tasked with cleaning batshit just prior, and were probably inhaling tons of it. (And being miners, not likely to have healthy vitamin D levels.) They were quarantined and samples gathered by the research folks, including the folks at a certain lab in Wuhan. This is important to note: it meant scientists (in Wuhan and elsewhere) had a specimen of a bat-based novel coronavirus to… study or whatever, as of 2012.
By 2016, the world was witnessing a surge in populism and nationalism, as exemplified by Brexit and the election of Donald Trump, as well as the electoral rise of various parties in Europe. Indubitably, the globalist elites in their various organizations, agencies, and gatherings – example: the World Economic Forum and our Establishment (“The Swamp”) in Washington DC – found this development troubling and sought to undo this and prevent it from ever happening again.
In 2017 a certain Dr. Anthony Fauci predicts with “no doubt” that Donald Trump will face a surprise infectious disease outbreak during his presidency. His agency, NIAID, has a very cozy relationship with the aforementioned lab in Wuhan.
In October 2019, Johns Hopkins, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation… and the World Economic Forum (!) held a tabletop wargaming exercise. Topic? A global pandemic. Weeks later, the first cases of SARS-CoV-2 infections are reported in Wuhan. As said spreads internationally, entire countries’ populations are placed under strict lockdowns with dire economic consequences, something unprecedented in human history despite having seen many pandemics over the years. Politicians in this country – with an extremely cooperative media (why wouldn’t they be, they’re finally getting eyeballs again after languishing for years) – launch a campaign designed to instill fear and panic over the virus, using it as an excuse to push through “initiatives” the most notable of which is vote-by-mail on a massive scale, which opened the doors to massive electoral fraud.
Commencing late 2020, the international edition of Time Magazine is plumping The Great Reset, again with the virus as excuse. The Great Reset is an initiative by – wait for it – the World Economic Forum.

What they’re after: a Chinese-style totalitarian bureaucracy… FOR EVERYONE, worldwide. The United States of America is the six-hundred-pound gorilla in the way.